
Differentiate Your Products And Services Using STRADOF

It is imperative to have differentiators in all categories, more so in crowded ones like high-tech products and services. Very often, getting the proverbial foot in the door depends upon the ability of the salesperson or business development executive to get through at least one differentiating aspect in their offering while talking to the prospective customer. Since prospective customers are used to being contacted by scores of such people every day, you can't fault them for refusing to waste their time listening to banal stuff.
However, finding differentiators in high-tech is challenging. After all, if there are so many companies offering virtually the same thing, how does a marketer find a differentiator?
GTM360 uses a proprietary methodology called STRADOF to resolve this apparent paradox and create differentiators for products and services in the high-tech industry.
STRADOF, or STructured Methodology for RApid Development OF Differentiators, looks beyond features to find differentiators using attributes that form a part of the Total Ownership Experience. Unlike features that are internally-focused, Total Ownership Experience comprises of market-oriented attributes spanning the buy, commission, use, maintain and retire phases. Using STRADOF, GTM360 works closely with high-tech marketers and product managers to identify, develop and package a set of powerful yet credible and ready-to-use differentiators for hardware, software, networking and other high-tech product and service categories.
STRADOF derives its power and versatility from its unique market-oriented approach as against other inwardly focused initiatives that fail to see the product or service from the customer's perspective.